A downloadable game for Windows

Other Link: RPGMakerWeb Forum

About :

This game is mainly to participate RSW event (2018) in the official RPG Maker forum and also to test my battle system concept, which I named it Timeline Order Battle System. As such, this game is considered as a prototype or a proof of concept. The gameplay only last for 15 minutes just to demonstrate the system.

Story :

It took a place right before Eremidia Dungeon: Skyward Temple. They were looking for a high-value artifact called Skyglyph lies on the temple that rumored once change the course of the history. Our actors met various encounters along the way before they managed to reach the destination.

Gameplay :

This game is featuring a battle system concept named "Timeline Order" which works similarly like ATB. The battle participant needs to wait until it's their turn to move.

However, each action requires a casting time. If the battler is being hit during casting phase, they will be interrupted to the previous timeline, unless there is an exception to prevent it. Some skills are also able to knock back the opposite unit to the previous timeline.

ATB bar is drawn on a single bar instead of individually attached to the each battler. Allow you to navigate easier


Skyward Temple (Episode zero).exe 3.3 MB

Install instructions

This game requires RMVXAce RTP to run. Get the RTP here https://www.rpgmakerweb.com/download/additional/run-time-packages

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